About Us

About Focus OAIThere are a number of choices when seeking Precision AlignmentConstruction Survey, or Quality Control services. Focus Optical Alignment's mission is to be your choice to provide all three and to be recommended by you as a reflection of our excellence, diligence, and value. Our client list is extensive and ranges from small, local industry to Fortune 500 companies. We strive to add to that list frequently, as we build a repeat-client base second to none.

If you are pleased with the performance of your current provider, we are happy for you and hope you stick with them - familiarity has its values on both sides of the fence. If you/they require a little more help on occasion, please feel free to contact us.

If you're not pleased with the performance you're receiving, your best first step is to make that feeling clear before jumping ship to another provider. The learning curve in this profession doesn't necessarily center around operating the equipment. Terminology interpretations vary widely, and site conditions are rarely predictable. Changing providers should be a last resort, but we hope we are top of mind if you reach that point.

If you feel the cost that you’re paying to your current provider is not justifiable, that feeling is probably legitimate. There are choices, and very competent ones at that. We believe we are one of the best in the business, and the percentage of our repeat business appears to support that conclusion. We are more than willing to provide competitive pricing. Please contact us, when the need arises.